28 days ago I had no real idea of what I was getting myself in for. I signed up for #28daysofwriting in the hopes that I would get my blog up and running, get back into the habit of writing regularly and make some new connections with other educators. My one goal was to make it. To complete the 28 days rain, hail or shine. I am proud to say I made it.
What I didn't expect was how much I would come to love my 28 minutes of writing each day. The daily time allowance when I was in quiet reflection about my professional practice became so much more than just 28 minutes. I didn't expect to be thinking about it or talking about it as much as I have.
In 28 days a lot of things have happened.
I have a sore hand/wrist from typing which my massage therapist picked up on today as she felt the tight muscles. It's a little like the technology version of the writer's dent I get on my ring finger when I write by hand a lot. She growled me. I didn't care.
My typing speed has gone up markedly. Each night as I sit furiously typing my hands fly across the keyboard of their own accord, like they used to when I was back in University. I love that.
I have read the blogs of wonderful educators from around the world. Inspiring posts and fantastic gleanings from these passionate people. We are in good stead with them in our classrooms, heading our schools or working to train our educators.
In 28 days I have managed to come up with 28 different topics to write on. Some of them average, some of them make me proud. My posts have been read by family, friends, colleagues and my wonderful Twitter crew from #28daysofwriting. Having a blog to write on is great, having an audience to write for is amazing.
I have made some great connections with other educators in the past 28 days, most of whom I hadn't connected with prior to the beginning of the challenge. I've learnt a lot from them. More than I can say. Thank you all for your wonderfully crafted posts and equally amazing encouragement you have given me. I am so very grateful.
In 28 days I have eaten far too much chocolate. At the time felt like a reward for working so hard. Now I just feel greedy. Perhaps next should be #28dayssugarfree. That might be a good idea (most likely one to be ignored however).
28 days ago I didn't understand how difficult it would be some days to find 28 minutes of peace and quiet in which to write. It doesn't sound like very long, but some days it was hard to fit it in. I've only ever written in the evening. Sometimes posting, like last night, just before midnight. Scraping in by the skin of my teeth. Sometimes I'd remember that @tombarrett lives in Australia so is likely at least two hours behind New Zealand time and wouldn't perhaps realise that I might be late. Never needed the excuse luckily!
27 of the nights I have managed to be uninterrupted for my 28 minutes because I type once Little Miss Two and Miss Four are tucked up fast asleep. Tonight I didn't manage to be so lucky. Tonight I type my last post for #28daysofwriting sitting in a dark room on Miss Two's bed, my presence soothing her off to sleep. I am cross-legged and hunched over my Chromebook. My massage therapist would be shaking her head.
And with that I will sign off. I have loved every second of my #28daysofwriting. The 28 precious minutes are something so much bigger than what they seem. My love for writing has been reignited. I love my blog. I want to keep it up. I will keep it up.
Thank you so much Tom and everyone in the #28daysofwriting group. You have inspired and motivated me. Challenged my beliefs about best practice. Encouraged and supported me. You have given me some of the best professional learning all from the comfort of your own homes far, far away. We are a small and powerful group of dedicated and passionate educators. Let's keep doing what we do, and sharing it with the world.